Best hiking destinations near, far and wide

  • What Kind of Pants Are Best for Hiking? The Ultimate Guide

    What Kind of Pants Are Best for Hiking? The Ultimate Guide

    Venturing into the wild doesn’t mean you have to forsake style or comfort. From daunting mountain terrains to serene forest trails, your choice of hiking pants can make or break your outdoor experience. In this ultimate guide, we explore the world of hiking attire, highlighting the key traits that top-tier hiking pants share and how…

  • The Ultimate Guide to Hiking in Colorado: Where to Go and What to See

    The Ultimate Guide to Hiking in Colorado: Where to Go and What to See

    Embarking on an adventure like no other, you enter a kaleidoscope of colors as the fiery hues of autumn leaves collide with the rugged, timeless gray of the Rocky Mountains. As your feet crunch through pristine trails and your breath syncs with the whispering winds, you realize – this is Colorado. Unveiling nature’s panoramas in…

  • How to Safely Hike Alone: Tips for Solo Hikers

    How to Safely Hike Alone: Tips for Solo Hikers

    As the sun rose over the Veliky Ustyug Valley, painting a spectacular palette of oranges and yellows across the Russian sky, Alex found himself ponderously navigating the rugged terrain alone. A seasoned hiker and an adventurous soul, solo excursions had become his personal form of meditation. But even for someone as experienced as him, hiking…

  • How to Increase Your Hiking Endurance and Reach Your Goals

    How to Increase Your Hiking Endurance and Reach Your Goals

    Ever felt the sting of defeat as you halted halfway up a picturesque mountain trail, gasping for breath and feeling as though your legs were made of lead? We’ve all been there. Salty sweat trickling down into your eyes, blistered feet crying out in protest, while a teenage hiker zips past with effortless energy. Think…

  • Hiking the Inca Trail: How Long Does it Take?

    Hiking the Inca Trail: How Long Does it Take?

    The Inca Trail: a labyrinth of ancient pathways cutting through the dense, lush wilderness of Peru towards the majestic ruins of Machu Picchu. The echoing chants of long-gone civilizations mingle with whispers of the wind, each step you take resonating with the cadence of centuries-old history. Yet, one question remains a constant echo in the…

  • Essential Gear for a Day Hike: What to Bring for a Successful Trip

    Essential Gear for a Day Hike: What to Bring for a Successful Trip

    Imagine standing on a mountain peak, wind gusting through your hair, breathtaking vistas stretching out around you. Sounds thrilling, right? Such victories are reserved for those who overcome the trials of the trails; those who dare venture into the wilderness armed with proper gear and preparation. Your backpack may be small, but packing it wisely…

  • The Best Hiking Trails in San Diego: Where to Go for an Adventure

    The Best Hiking Trails in San Diego: Where to Go for an Adventure

    Picture the sun glistening on the Pacific waves, a gentle sea breeze tousling your hair, and the occasional sight of a California Quail exploring nature – all these as your backdrop while hiking on steep yet scenic trails. Sounds surreal? This is precisely what San Diego’s best hiking trails offer you. Like pages torn straight…

  • Explore Florida’s Best Hiking Trails: Where to Go and What to See

    Explore Florida’s Best Hiking Trails: Where to Go and What to See

    There’s an old saying: “Only true adventurers will know the path nature has painted.” As 2023 unravels, the call of the wild resonates stronger than ever. This year, let’s pick up our walking sticks and lace those hiking boots a bit tighter as we delve deeper into the hidden corners of Florida’s vast topography in…

  • What to Do If You See a Moose While Hiking: A Guide for Safety and Respect

    What to Do If You See a Moose While Hiking: A Guide for Safety and Respect

    You’re deep in the heart of a tranquil forest, the scent of pines embracing you, when your peaceful hike becomes a thrilling adventure. Suddenly, emerging from the verdant underbrush appears an awe-inspiring creature – a massive moose, its bushy brow and sturdy antlers protruding into view. But what do you do now? Without turning this…

  • Conquer Mt. Marcy: How to Hike the Highest Peak in New York in Under a Day

    Conquer Mt. Marcy: How to Hike the Highest Peak in New York in Under a Day

    How about you and I make a wager; can you topple the titan in just one day? Mt. Marcy, New York’s bragging rights and the tallest peak in the state, waits for those brave enough to attempt its 5,343 feet. Many might think it’s akin to climbing Mount Everest in a single day—a mad dream…

Got any hike recommendations?