hiking machu pichu

How to Hike Machu Picchu: A Step-by-Step Guide

Imagine this: you’re standing at the foot of an ancient Incan trail, surrounded by lush tropical forests that echo with the chirps and trills of unseen creatures. The air is tinged with a sense of history so powerful, you can almost taste it. Above you, shrouded in the swirling mists of the Andes, lies your destination – the extraordinary citadel of Machu Picchu. A daunting challenge? Certainly. But as thousands of hikers have discovered before you, this majestic peak isn’t just for seasoned mountaineers or Incan warriors from aeons past. Follow our step-by-step guide, and you too can conquer this architectural wonder in your own epic adventure. Get ready to breathe new life into your bucket list as you embark on a journey to hike Machu Picchu.

To have a successful hike to Machu Picchu, it is important to be prepared. This can include training physically beforehand, packing the right gear, such as comfortable hiking boots, light sandals, rain gear, and plenty of socks. It is also important to stay hydrated and well-fed throughout the trek and take measures to combat altitude sickness. Hiring a reputable adventure travel company can greatly aid in planning and execution of this trek.

Planning Your Trip to Machu Picchu

Visiting Machu Picchu is a dream adventure for many, but it’s not as simple as just showing up and hiking. Proper planning is crucial to have an enjoyable and fulfilling trip. Here are some key things to consider when planning your trip to Machu Picchu.

First off, be sure to obtain the necessary permits and tickets in advance. Permits for the Inca Trail can sell out months in advance, so it’s important to secure your spot early if that’s the route you’re taking. Tickets for Machu Picchu itself also sell out quickly, so book those well ahead of time too. It would be such a shame to book your flight to Peru and lodging only to find out that you can’t access the site.

Secondly, decide whether you want to hike the Inca Trail or opt for an alternative way of getting to Machu Picchu. The Inca Trail is an unforgettable experience but requires significantly more preparation than simply taking a train or bus into Aguas Calientes and then hiking up from there. This option may be better suited for those who don’t have multiple days available or aren’t confident in their fitness levels.

Another consideration is cost versus convenience. Hiking the Inca Trail typically involves hiring a tour company, and this can become quite pricey versus going solo or opting for other transportation options. However, having a guided tour ensures that you won’t get lost or miss any important landmarks along the way.

Overall, planning your trip carefully is like constructing a puzzle – each piece has to fit together just right in order to create the final product of an unforgettable trip.

Now that you’ve considered general planning tips, it’s time to focus on choosing the best travel time for your adventure.

Choosing the Best Travel Time

The best time to visit Machu Picchu depends on various factors such as weather, crowds, transportation and overall convenience. Here are some considerations when selecting a travel date:

Firstly, it’s important to keep in mind that rainy season runs from November to March. Although this can be an affordable time to travel, we advise avoiding these months as the Inca Trail is typically closed due to frequent landslides and safety concerns. Not to mention that trekking through muddy terrain isn’t enjoyable for most people.

May to September is generally considered the best time of year weather-wise with minimal if any rain. However, this is also the busiest time of year at Machu Picchu, so you’ll have to contend with larger crowds and more competition for permits. It’s recommended to book these months at least six months in advance.

The shoulder season (April and October) may be a good middle ground for those who want decent weather without as many crowds. Additionally, during these times some tour companies may offer discounts on treks, lodging or other services.

Selecting your travel time is like choosing an outfit for a date – you want to make sure it’s comfortable but also presentable.

With these considerations in mind, next up is understanding transportation in Peru.

Understanding Transportation in Peru

One of the most crucial aspects of planning your Machu Picchu trip is to understand the transportation system in Peru. Whether you are coming from Lima, Cusco, or any other city, knowing how to navigate this country’s transport can save time and money. Below are some tips to help you plan transportation:

Many travelers arrive in Peru at Lima’s Jorge Chavez International Airport, where they can either stay in Lima for a few days, then make their way to Cusco by air or bus. Alternatively, if your final destination is Machu Picchu, you can fly directly into Cusco’s Alejandro Velasco Astete International Airport.

There are several ways to get from Cusco to Machu Picchu, including taking a train from Cusco or Ollantaytambo. However, the most popular option is to trek the Inca Trail or one of its alternatives. Keep in mind that reservations for train tickets and permits for the Inca Trail need to be secured well in advance, so it’s essential to plan ahead.

While some travelers opt for hiring a private driver or using taxis to get around Peru, public buses are a popular choice among budget-conscious tourists who want to experience authentic local culture. The downside is that some bus services might not be reliable, and it’s essential to exercise caution when traveling by bus.

If you prefer a more comfortable mode of transportation but don’t want to spend on a private car or taxi, you can use local minibusses called combis instead. It’s like hopping on an Uber Pool ride in terms of convenience and cost-effectiveness.

Now that we’ve covered transportation let’s move onto fitness and health preparation for the Inca Trail.

Fitness and Health Preparation for the Inca Trail

Hiking the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu is a physically demanding experience that can be challenging for even the fittest of people. To avoid altitude sickness, injuries, and exhaustion during your trek, it’s essential to prepare yourself physically and mentally. Here are some tips for health and fitness preparation:

Before starting your Inca Trail trek, acclimate yourself to Cusco’s high altitude (3,399 meters / 11,152 feet). Spending two or three days in Cusco before your trek will give your body enough time to adjust to the high altitude gradually.

Training for the Inca Trail months before your travel date is crucial to ensure you can manage the long hours of hiking at high altitudes and steep mountain slopes. Include cardio workouts such as running or cycling into your exercise routine to increase endurance levels; strength training exercises such as squats, lunges, planks, and push-ups can help build up leg muscles needed for uphill climbs.

While taking medication for altitude sickness, such as Diamox or anti-diarrhea tablets, can prevent or mitigate symptoms, natural remedies like coca leaf tea have been used by locals with great success. But keep in mind that different people react differently to altitude sickness treatment, so it’s best to consult with your doctor on what type of medication or remedy is safe for you.

Preparing for a trip like hiking the Inca Trail is similar to training for a marathon: it takes patience, discipline and consistency. Start small by doing shorter hikes in your home town’s hills before building up to more challenging trails.

Now that you know how to plan transportation in Peru and how to prepare yourself physically and mentally for the Inca Trail hike let’s move onto Essential Gear.

Training and Altitude Sickness Considerations

Are you considering hiking the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu? If so, congratulations! You’re in for a phenomenal adventure. However, don’t make the mistake of assuming that this trek will be easy. The Inca Trail is undoubtedly challenging; it’s important to prepare both mentally and physically for the journey ahead.

Many hikers underestimate the impact of altitude sickness, which can hit even the fittest and healthiest of individuals. To minimize altitude sickness symptoms, ensure you’ve acclimatized well before starting your hike. Spending a few days in Cusco (approximately 11,000 feet above sea level) is essential for allowing your body to adjust to these heights. Additionally, it’s advised to drink plenty of water to hydrate your body and eat foods rich in carbohydrates, which convert into energy during the hike.

We recommend beginning training at least four months before embarking on your hike. Training can include cardiovascular exercises such as jogging or cycling and strength and endurance activities such as weightlifting or yoga. Make sure to walk uphill regularly to condition your muscles for inclines.

Keep in mind that even with months of training, there’s still a high probability you’ll experience altitude sickness during your Inca Trail journey. The symptoms may present themselves at any point along the trek but are known primarily to surface around days two and three when reaching higher elevations.

Think of altitude sickness like a hangover; it hits suddenly and hard, leaving one feeling disoriented with splitting headaches. However, instead of sipping water and staying comfortably horizontal during a hangover, altitude sickness requires you to continue hiking despite feeling ill.

Some hikers choose the anti-altitude medication Diamox to prevent or alleviate symptoms. This pill aids in increasing the levels of bicarbonate, which helps correct the blood’s pH level and allow for a healthier oxygen metabolism. However, some hikers claim that some Diamox side-effects can be unpleasant, such as feeling numbness in fingers and toes. It’s advisable to talk with your doctor before taking this medication and researching natural remedies such as coca leaf tea.

Essential Gear for Hiking the Inca Trail

It’s important to carry all the necessary items on your trek to avoid discomfort or injury during the hike. We always recommend purchasing high-quality gear, investing in durable and lightweight equipment, produced from trusted manufacturers who have been specially designed for multi-day treks:

The first thing to consider is hiking boots. You must purchase a pair suitable for rough terrain to ensure ankle support, good traction, and comfort. It’s imperative they are well-broken-in so blisters aren’t an issue during your journey. If you’re prone to foot swelling, it may also be worth considering larger sizes or thinking about woolen socks.

Another often-overlooked necessity is a rain jacket. Even if you’re visiting Machu Picchu in the dry season between June and August, there’s still a risk of rain. Trekking when wet can quickly become a miserable experience; it’s worth investing in a high-quality waterproof jacket.

When packing gear for your hike, it’s crucial not to forget essential safety equipment such as headlamps, sunscreen (SPF 50+), sunglasses, and insect repellent. Headlamps keep you safe when navigating at night or exploring the ancient ruins at dawn.

Remembering spare batteries is like remembering charcoal during a camping trip – without them, your fun ends early.

Are trekking poles necessary? This argument comes down to personal preference, but we recommend them. They offer support, reduce strain on joints and equip a better balance on the trail. However, if using trekking poles for the first time, it’s wise to practice before your hike to avoid forgetting how to use them correctly and incurring unnecessary injury.

Remember to pack plastic bags to separate any wet or smelly clothes – there’s nothing worse than arriving at a campsite with wet clothing due to unexpected weather.

Finally, it’s imperative you bring a comfortable and sturdy daypack that fits all of your gear without too much trouble. It should have good adjustable straps so that you can fit it comfortably, distribute weight effectively, and wear layers underneath during colder temperatures.

Overall, hiking the Inca Trail requires extensive preparation regarding both training and appropriate gear selection. Don’t underestimate these important aspects of your journey, and make sure to invest in quality equipment from trusted manufacturers.

When planning a multi-day trek, it’s essential to invest in high-quality gear from trusted manufacturers. Items such as hiking boots, rain jackets, safety equipment, trekking poles, and a comfortable daypack are necessary to avoid discomfort or injury during the hike. Packing plastic bags for separating wet or smelly clothes is also important. Overall, proper preparation and gear selection are vital for an enjoyable and safe trekking experience.

What to Bring for a Comfortable Trek

When preparing for a trek to Machu Picchu, it’s important to pack wisely and efficiently. You will be carrying your own gear on the Inca Trail, so it’s essential to bring only what you need for a comfortable journey.

First and foremost, invest in sturdy and comfortable hiking boots that have been properly broken in before your trip. Avoid wearing new shoes on the trail as they can cause blisters and foot pain. In addition to hiking boots, bring light sandals or flip flops for relaxing in the evening at your campsite.

Pack layers of clothing that can be easily added or removed as temperatures change throughout the day. Thermal base layers are essential as nights on the trail can get chilly. A rain jacket and sunhat are necessary for protecting yourself from unpredictable weather conditions. And don’t forget plenty of socks! It’s also helpful to pack plastic bags to separate wet or smelly clothing from clean clothes.

One of the best tips we received during our own trek was to bring snacks for energy along the way. Granola bars, trail mix, and other lightweight snacks are great options for keeping your energy levels up during long days on the trail. It’s also important to stay hydrated, so bring a refillable water bottle and consider investing in water purifying tablets.

During my own hike to Machu Picchu, I made the mistake of packing too much unnecessary gear and ended up with a heavier load than I needed. By day three of the trek, I was feeling exhausted and regretted not packing more efficiently.

Remember that every item you pack will add weight to your backpack, so only bring what is essential for your comfort and safety. And if there is something you forget or realize you don’t need mid-trip, most campsites along the Inca Trail sell basic supplies like water and snacks.

Some hikers may argue that bringing luxury items like a portable camping chair or a large camera is worth the added weight, but ultimately it’s up to personal preference. Just be sure to keep in mind the physical demands of the trek and pack accordingly.

Navigating the Hike and Experiencing Machu Picchu

The Inca Trail can be physically challenging, but with proper preparation and pacing yourself, anyone can successfully complete the trek.

As you hike along rugged terrain and steep inclines, remember to take breaks when needed and stay hydrated. Coca leaf tea is a popular natural remedy for altitude sickness and readily available during the trek. If you’re struggling with altitude adjustment, consider medication like Diamox or anti-diarrhea tablets recommended by your doctor.

The trek offers breathtaking views of the Andes mountains combined with incredible ancient ruins. Take time to immerse yourself in the history of Machu Picchu by reading guidebooks or hiring a knowledgeable guide. Don’t forget to get your passport stamped at Machu Picchu for a unique souvenir.

During peak travel season, the trail can become crowded, so it’s important to be respectful of others’ space and follow park rules. The Inca Trail has a set itinerary with designated campsites for overnight stays, so plan ahead if you want to camp on other trails outside of the Inca Trail.

Hiking to Machu Picchu is like traveling back in time while also pushing your own physical limits. The experience is unmatched and requires both mental grit and an appreciation for historical significance.

By preparing well, bringing appropriate gear, taking necessary breaks, and appreciating the scenery around you, hiking Machu Picchu can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life.

Some travelers may argue that the crowds and strict itinerary of the Inca Trail detract from the experience, but there are other trails around Machu Picchu to explore. It’s important to respect the environmental impact of hiking in this natural wonder and follow park guidelines for responsible tourism.

Facing the Challenge: Trail Difficulty and Sightseeing Tips

Hiking the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu is an experience like no other, but it’s not without its challenges. The trail is a tough hike, with steep inclines, uneven terrain, high altitude, and unpredictable weather conditions. However, with proper preparation and a positive mindset, anyone can complete the trek and take in stunning sights along the way.

One of the biggest obstacles on the Inca Trail is altitude sickness. As mentioned earlier, the ruins of Machu Picchu are located at 7,972 feet above sea level. This means that hikers can experience shortness of breath, nausea, headaches, and fatigue due to the thinner air. It’s crucial to start taking measures to prevent altitude sickness several weeks before your trip.

PROVE YOUR ARGUMENT] To start preparing for altitude acclimatization, consider hiking at higher elevations or doing aerobic exercises such as running or cycling. Additionally, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and avoid alcohol or caffeine that can contribute to dehydration. When you arrive in Cusco or begin your trek, take it slow and allow your body time to adjust by spending two or three days at higher altitude. Consider taking medication for altitude sickness such as Diamox or anti-diarrhea tablets; these medications can help lower symptoms and speed up acclimatization.

Another challenge on the Inca Trail is navigating through the uneven terrain and steep ascents. It’s important to remember that hiking isn’t a competition; go at your own pace and take breaks when needed. Consider trekking poles for added support during steep descents or ascents. You should also wear well-broken-in walking boots that provide ankle support and good traction for slippery surfaces.

To make the most out of your time on the trail, it’s important to balance hiking and sightseeing. Depending on the season, the weather on the Inca Trail can be unpredictable. If you’re visiting in the rainy season, expect muddy and slippery paths that require extra caution. However, these weather conditions can also offer unique experiences, such as seeing waterfalls and lush vegetation.

To make the most out of your hike, consider hiring a reputable adventure company that offers guides with extensive knowledge of the trail and history of Machu Picchu. Guides can provide insight into the significance of specific sites along the way while keeping your safety and well-being in mind.

When reaching Machu Picchu, take time to soak up the awe-inspiring scenery; sit back, relax, and take pictures for memories that last a lifetime. A guide can provide additional insight into the history and rich culture of this ancient site.

Facing the challenge of hiking the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu can be rewarding both physically and mentally. It’s crucial to prepare well both physically and mentally by training before arriving at altitude locations, bringing proper gear, finding appropriate clothing layers for weather changes. Finding a reputable guide not only ensures your safety but also adds cultural depth to your visit by helping see landmarks that contribute to Machu Picchu’s significance. By taking these steps, you are sure to have an experience to remember for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best time of year to hike Machu Picchu?

When it comes to hiking Machu Picchu, timing is key. While the trail is open year-round, there are certainly better times to hit the trails than others.

The best time of year for most hikers is during the dry season, which runs from May to October. During this time, the weather is generally mild and dry, with less chance of rain or fog obscuring your views of the ruins.

In contrast, the wet season runs from November to April, and it can be significantly more challenging to hike Machu Picchu during this time. Constant rain and fog can make the trails slippery and treacherous, and sections of the path may even be closed due to flooding or landslides.

Of course, if you’re really looking for a challenge (or just trying to save some money), hiking during the wet season can be a good option – just be sure to pack accordingly!

Ultimately, the best time of year to hike Machu Picchu will depend on your preferences and priorities. If you’re willing to brave some rain and crowds, go for it! If you’d rather play it safe and stick to sunny skies, plan your trip for the dry season.

Reference: https://www.peruhop.com/best-time-to-visit-machu-picchu/

How physically demanding is hiking Machu Picchu?

Hiking Machu Picchu can be a physically demanding experience, but with proper preparation and precaution, it can also be a rewarding one. The trek to Machu Picchu involves hiking at high altitudes and uneven terrain. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), altitude sickness affects about 40% of visitors who ascend too quickly to elevations above 7,000 feet, with symptoms ranging from headaches and dizziness to nausea and fatigue.

Additionally, the Inca Trail which is the most popular route to Machu Picchu requires hikers to climb steep stairs and navigate through narrow paths for several hours each day. Hence, it is crucial that hikers train beforehand by engaging in cardiovascular exercises such as running or cycling, building endurance through long walks, and strengthening their leg muscles with squats and lunges.

However, it’s important to note that there are alternative routes to Machu Picchu that are less physically demanding such as the Lares Trek or Salkantay Trek. These routes provide an equally stunning view of the Andes Mountains and ancient Incan ruins without requiring extensive physical exertion.

In summary, hiking Machu Picchu can be physically demanding due to high altitude and strenuous trails but with proper preparation and research hikers can choose alternative paths that suit their fitness levels.

Are there any alternative routes or hikes to explore when visiting Machu Picchu?

Yes, there are alternative routes and hikes to explore when visiting Machu Picchu. While the classic Inca Trail is the most popular route, there are other lesser-known trails that offer equally breathtaking views and cultural experiences.

One such alternative route is the Salkantay Trek, which takes hikers through stunning landscapes of snow-capped mountains, cloud forests, and hot springs before arriving at Machu Picchu. According to World Expeditions, a leading adventure travel company, this trail has become increasingly popular in recent years with about 15,000 people trekking it annually.

Another option is the Choquequirao Trek, which is longer and more challenging than the Inca Trail but rewards hikers with awe-inspiring views of the Vilcabamba mountain range and ancient Inca ruins. The Peruvian government is currently working on improving infrastructure along this trail to make it more accessible to visitors.

Furthermore, while not technically a hike, travelers can also choose to take the train from Cusco or Ollantaytambo to Aguas Calientes and then hike up to Machu Picchu from there via the lesser-known Hidroeléctrica route. This trek offers verdant scenery alongside a river gorge as well as hot springs at the end of the trail.

In conclusion, when planning your trip to Machu Picchu, consider exploring these alternative routes to enrich your experience beyond what the classic Inca Trail has to offer.

What gear and equipment are necessary for hiking Machu Picchu?

When it comes to hiking Machu Picchu, having the right gear and equipment is essential for a safe and comfortable journey. Here are some key items that should be in every hiker’s pack:

1. Hiking boots: Proper footwear is crucial for traversing the rugged terrain around Machu Picchu. Invest in a pair of comfortable, sturdy hiking boots with good traction.

2. Backpack: A durable backpack is necessary to carry your gear, food, and water on your hike. Look for one with adjustable straps and ample storage space.

3. Water bottles: Staying hydrated is important when hiking at high altitudes, so bring at least two water bottles and consider packing a hydration bladder as well.

4. Layers: The weather at Machu Picchu can be unpredictable, so it’s important to dress in layers. Bring a waterproof jacket or poncho, warm fleece, and breathable layers that you can easily add or remove.

5. Sun protection: Peru’s high altitude means that the sun is stronger than you might expect. Bring a broad-brimmed hat, sunscreen, and sunglasses to protect yourself from harmful UV rays.

6. Trekking poles: Many hikers find trekking poles helpful for maintaining balance on steep ascents and descents.

Additionally, it’s important to pack snacks that will provide sustained energy throughout your hike such as nuts or granola bars.

So whether you’re an experienced hiker or a novice explorer, make sure you have the right gear to enjoy the stunning beauty of Machu Picchu safely and comfortably!

(Source: https://www.peruforless.com/blog/machu-picchu-hiking-packing-list/)

Are there any safety precautions or considerations to take before hiking Machu Picchu?

Absolutely! While hiking Machu Picchu can be a life-changing experience, it’s important to take several safety precautions before embarking on this adventure.

Firstly, it’s recommended to acclimatize yourself to the altitude before beginning the hike. Machu Picchu sits at an elevation of 2,430 meters (7,970 feet) above sea level and many people experience altitude sickness symptoms such as headaches, nausea, and fatigue. It’s advisable to spend at least a couple of days in Cusco or other high-altitude cities before starting the hike.

Secondly, hire a licensed tour guide as they will provide historical and cultural context of the place as well as ensure your safety during the journey. Furthermore, always stick with the group and avoid veering off the designated paths or climbing on restricted areas.

Thirdly, make sure you pack accordingly. This includes wearing sturdy hiking boots or shoes with a good grip to prevent slipping and tripping, dressing in layers as it can get chilly and humid during early mornings and evenings, and bringing enough water and snacks for your journey.

According to Peru’s Ministry of Tourism and Foreign Trade report of 2019-2020, there has been a significant decline in accidents concerning tourists visiting Machu Picchu due to an increased focus on safety measures by tour agencies. It’s always better to be safe than sorry!

Always prioritize your health and safety when hiking Machu Picchu. By following these recommendations, you’ll be able to fully enjoy the beauty that this iconic location has to offer while minimizing risks associated with the hike.



