posing in front of machu picchu

How Long Does it Take to Hike to Machu Picchu?

Just imagine, after months of preparation and hours in the gym, you’re finally there – standing at the crest of an ancient Incan trail. The air is thin and cold, but each breath invigorates more than it exhausts; the sounds of exotic birds ring through the canopies. As your heart races with anticipation and excitement jitterbugs in your belly, your eyes drink in what lies ahead: the legendary city of Machu Picchu. But at that moment, a question dawns on you – How long will this challenging yet awe-inspiring journey take?

Let’s take Henry as our guide, an adventurous hiker from Oregon, who started his march on this very path just last year. His story will shed light on tackling this fascinating expedition while also providing pertinent insights into hiking the historic Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. From treading through tropical forests to stepping over jagged stone paths, let’s measure time not by the hands of a clock or flipping calendar pages but by the echoes of ancient tales etched along the nonpareil route to a city that was lost – only to be discovered again.

The length of the hike depends on which trail you choose. The Classic Inca Trail is the longest, taking trekkers around four to five days to complete. Other trails, such as the One Day or Two Day trails, can be completed in one or two days respectively. It’s important to note that all trail users must arrive at Machu Picchu via one of the three official Inca Trails (Classic, One Day, or Two Day).

Understanding the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu

The Inca Trail is a 42 km trek that takes hikers through the Andean Mountains, culminating in the arrival at the ancient Incan ruins of Machu Picchu. The trail spans three overlapping routes: Mollepata, One Day, and Classic, but it’s the latter that is most famous and preferred by hikers. The Classic Trail starts from two points – 88 km or 82 km from Cusco on the Urubamba River at approximately 2,800 meters or 2,600 meters elevation, respectively.

To put it in perspective, hiking the Inca Trail is like embarking on an exploratory adventure that snakes its way through a range of environments- from lush green forests to barren high-altitude rocky terrains that raise significant challenges for hikers along the way. Hiking enthusiasts must prepare themselves mentally and physically before heading out on this awe-inspiring journey.

While many people set their sights on Machu Picchu as the ultimate travel destination in Peru, not everyone is aware of what it takes to get there. A key part of understanding how long it takes to hike to Machu Picchu requires knowing about the complexity and diversity of the Inca Trail network.

Arriving at any major destination requires proper planning and execution. Similarly, hiking the Inca Trail effectively demands careful preparation before embarking on this trekking route. Aspirants are encouraged to budget ample time for training themselves to handle high-altitude trekking and other associated challenges over extended periods.

With an appreciation of the variety and depth involved in experiencing this magnificent site comes an understanding of its length and difficulty.

  • The Classic Inca trail, which is the longest route, takes approximately four to five days to complete.
  • For those who opt for the “One Day” Trail, they can expect a rigorous 12-16 hour round-trip that starts and ends at Aguas Calientes.
  • Altitude sickness can occur above 2,500 meters with the trail reaching up to 4,215 meters, this could potentially slow the pace and lengthen the travel time for hikers.

Length and Difficulty of the Inca Trail

The first step towards answering ‘how long does it take to hike to Machu Picchu?’ is understanding that the Classic Inca Trail takes four to five days to complete – depending on the pace of hikers. The other two routes, Mollepata and One Day, are shorter but less-traversed alternatives.

Though the trail presents its own set of challenges, completing the hike within the average duration is an achievable goal. Himalayan mountaineers often take much longer to acclimatize themselves in preparation for Mount Everest’s climb – a trek far more physically and mentally demanding than any leg of the Inca Trail.

During peak hiking seasons, the Peruvian government places limitations on permits issued: only 500 people per day are allowed on the trail. The number reduces drastically for trekkers, with only 200 spots allotted per day – a restriction that emphasizes both safety and preservation aspects.

However, while many tourists may find it challenging to secure permits during the peak season or opt for alternative routes, there’s a valid argument that setting annual quotas ensures that all visitors have a smooth and safe exploration experience without overwhelming both natural resources and Incan heritage sites en route.

No doubt, altitude acclimation is an essential part of preparing for any mountainous trekking expedition, notably one confined by environmental regulations like this famous trek. For those willing to put in some time and effort into their pre-hike prep routine, conquering the majestic Machu Picchu through a scenic hike via one of the ever-inspiring Inca trails could prove to be life-changing.

Having established a clear understanding of what it takes to complete this world-famous trekking route let us explore its expected duration below.

Unique Landscapes and Ancient Ruins

The Inca Trail to Machu Picchu is not just about reaching the destination; it is also about experiencing the journey. The trail passes through a variety of breathtaking landscapes, each with its unique flora and fauna. From lush cloud forests to high alpine tundra, hikers are treated to stunning vistas of Andean valleys, snow-capped peaks, and the Urubamba River below.

But it’s not only the natural scenery that makes this trek special. Along the way, you will encounter ancient ruins and remnants of the Inca Empire, providing a glimpse into the rich history and culture of Peru. These ruins not only serve as landmarks but also tell fascinating stories.

For example, Wiñay Wayna is a set of Inca ruins situated near the end of the trail. It features terraces, water channels, and ceremonial buildings that were believed to be used for religious ceremonies by the priests and royalty. The site is named “forever young” in Quechuan due to the resemblance of some of its terraces to facial features associated with youth.

Another noteworthy ruin is Runkuracay. This archaeological site was constructed over 500 years ago and served as a “tambo,” or resting place for travelers passing through on their way to Machu Picchu. Here, hikers can stand in awe at how it was built atop sheer mountain cliffs as they catch their breath before continuing on along the trail.

A hike on this trail brings together nature and history in an unforgettable experience that cannot be found anywhere else in the world.

Just like taking a time-traveling stroll through history books as we imagine ancient civilizations comes alive behind our eyes, hiking through these ruins takes you back in time while offering spectacular views of Mother Nature wearing different clothes around you.

Next, let’s delve into the expected duration of hiking the Inca trail.

The Inca Trail to Machu Picchu is not only a physical journey, but it is also an opportunity to experience the rich history and culture of Peru through encounters with ancient ruins and landmarks along the way. Wiñay Wayna and Runkuracay are two noteworthy ruins that provide a glimpse into the religious ceremonies and travel practices of the Inca Empire. The trail passes through a variety of landscapes, each showcasing breathtaking views of Andean valleys, snow-capped peaks, and the Urubamba River. Ultimately, hiking this trail allows one to merge nature and history for an unforgettable experience that cannot be found anywhere else in the world.

Expected Duration for Hiking the Inca Trail

The length of time it takes to hike the Inca Trail depends on various factors such as fitness level, hiking experience, acclimatization to altitude, and pace.

As mentioned earlier, there are three overlapping trails that lead to Machu Picchu. The most popular and well-known route is the Classic trail which takes hikers around four to five days to complete. The other two options are the Mollepata and One Day trails, which cater to those with less time or who prefer less strenuous options.

Altitude also plays a significant role in determining how long it takes to hike the trail. Since the trail passes through high mountain passes, hikers may experience altitude sickness. Therefore, it’s crucial to spend at least two days at Cusco or its surrounding areas to acclimate before beginning the trek.

Additionally, several resting points along the way provide an opportunity to take a breather and allow your body to adjust. These are essential for those with limited hiking experience or low fitness levels. The pace adopted by hikers will also impact how long it takes them to reach Machu Picchu.

All things considered, hikers should expect to take anywhere between four and ten days to complete any of the three trails leading to Machu Picchu, depending on their chosen route and physical condition.

This makes it essential that hikers prepare both physically and mentally for this adventure of a lifetime.

Just like we need preparation when going far away in a used car; oil levels need checking before hitting long roads – your mind and body need preparing for different stages during this hike.

While some argue that taking longer periods during hikes increases enjoyment of unique locations along with benefiting one’s health, others may brush off the idea as just another fancy way to spend an unnecessarily long time. However, if you’re not a seasoned mountaineer and aren’t in a rush, this amazing hike should be enjoyed leisurely.

Continue reading to learn more about preparing for this epic trek.

Impact of Resting Points and Pace on Hiking Time

One of the most common questions that tourists have when planning their Machu Picchu hike is how long it will take them to complete. Besides the length of the trail, the pace that each hiker chooses as well as resting periods has a significant impact on the total hiking time. In this section, we’ll explore how much of a difference these two factors can make in the overall hiking experience.

Depending on a person’s level of fitness and prior experience with altitudes above 4,000 meters, rest periods may need to be frequent or infrequent. For a person not used to high altitudes, for instance, taking more extended breaks may be necessary for catching their breath and acclimating their bodies to the thinner air. However, every break comes at a price – namely; added hours onto an already lengthy hike. In contrast, those who are fit and accustomed to this altitude will likely have shorter resting periods and move along more quickly considerably lessening their overall hike duration.

Like running a marathon or swimming laps in a pool, pacing yourself while hiking at Machu Picchu is critical to success. If you try to outdo everyone else by speed walking or jogging up steep inclines, rest assured you’ll get tired quickly, your endurance will suffer and your experience might even turn into something unenjoyable. Conversely, if you plan to stop for long periods or take too many days to reach Machu Picchu as happens when some trekkers divide the Classic trail into more than four days out of fear of exhaustion – although well-intentioned – will leave you with unnecessary fatigue points during what should ideally be one long journey.

The key is always balance. A good rule of thumb is segmenting the hike per hour – making strides during active hours of walking and taking breaks but ensuring the rest periods are short enough not to drive up extra hours – thus allowing you to experience Machu Picchu before dusk. For hikers who want to take it easy, consider breaking down the route into five or six-day hikes along the shorter and less demanding routes like Mollepata or One Day Inca Trail – which give you a more leisurely pace as well as break times.

On the other hand, seasoned adventurers who might be tempted to push themselves continuously may find themselves paying for that at the end of their journey. A thorough understanding of your limitations is necessary, and any plan that doesn’t factor in rest will inevitably leave you feeling drained with a body that will need some time to recoup post-hike. However, if done correctly – that is pacing yourself- pushing your stamina on this trek can be a rewarding and viable option.

Now we’ve talked about how resting points and hiking pace impacts overall hiking time let’s get into our next section: preparation for your Machu Picchu hike.

Preparation for the Machu Picchu Hike

Now that you have a better understanding of how resting points impact the overall duration of your hike, let’s discuss what steps you should take to prepare for this journey. Proper planning ahead is essential for getting the most out of your hike while avoiding complications such as altitude sickness or unexpected weather conditions.

The first step in preparing is ensuring your fitness level has been raised by walking regularly daily and exercising before embarking on an elevation hike like Machu Picchu. Cardiovascular exercises like running, cycling, or swimming can also help improve your endurance levels. Ideally, you want to begin workout routines two months prior to permit ample time for training as well as adjust any lifestyle choices such as dieting or smoking.

To reduce exhaustion and stress during your hike, pack light by bringing only the essentials and pay attention to your clothing choices. Layers are critical – including thermal base-layers, hiking boots (worn in) with good tread, a raincoat or poncho for the wet season, sunscreen, sunglasses, hat/cap as well as a water bottle with filter – or iodine tablets if you plan on drinking from mountain springs. Also – bring medications prescribed by your doctor like coca leaf tea to combat altitude sickness; insect repellent, and extra batteries for flashlight or headlamps.

Carrying camping gear with an unguided trek may sound adventurous; it’s also very much unnecessary. Most authoritative guides offer all the necessary camping gear plus cooking and hydration equipment as part of their package offering. However, porters’ tipping is essential operational costs that can be budgeted immediately when engaging expert guides who provide the service.

Lastly: Don’t forget to take it slow. Albeit tempting to attempt longer treks within a day because of sheer excitement – this will not only hurt legs and backs but potentially ruin an entire Peruvian adventure! Meticulous preparation will culminate in successful hikes that encompass broad terrains with comfortable discoveries that are worthy of awe.

Now that we’ve explored factors involved in pacing oneself during a Machu Picchu hike and how best to prepare for such an experience- By now you should feel more confident about planning your Machu Picchu vacation.

Noteworthy Sites during the Machu Picchu Trek

As you make your way through the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, it’s not just about reaching the endpoint. Each step of the journey is filled with incredible views and awe-inspiring sites that will leave you breathless. From ancient ruins to stunning landscapes, here are some of the noteworthy sites you’ll encounter along the way.

One of the first significant stops is at Llactapata, an Incan ruin that translates to “high town” in Quechuan. It’s located at roughly 8,500 feet above sea level and offers a panoramic view of the surrounding valleys and mountains.

Further on, after nearly 8 hours of trekking, you’ll come across Phuyupatamarca. This archeological site is known as “the town above the clouds”, as it sits at an elevation of over 11,000 feet above sea level overlooking a sea of clouds below. Here, you can take a moment to rest and enjoy expansive views while learning about Inca architecture.

Continuing onward, another noteworthy site is Wiñay Wayna- a hostel-restaurant-campsite in addition to being a set of Incan ruins. Its name meaning “forever young” in Quechua, this magical location seems frozen in time- like an aging but beautiful film star who has been immortalized forever on celluloid.

But that’s not all; The natural beauty of the trail itself provides numerous breathtaking moments: from winding dirt paths leading through lush rainforests surrounded by towering jungle trees to placid mountain lakes reflecting Incan ruins basking in sunlight.

However, it’s important to note that some other stops along the way may not be as impressive or notable. For example, after you’ve passed through more substantial ruins and awe-inspiring natural landscapes, a small stone outpost might seem underwhelming. But it’s up to the individual hiker to appreciate not just the iconic moments of the trail but also to find beauty and significance within all aspects of this epic trek.

What sets Machu Picchu apart from other hikes is that it combines ancient history, unique landscapes and grueling physical challenges into one unforgettable adventure. Every step of the journey is filled with opportunities to absorb priceless cultural insights while experiencing the majestic rawness of nature.

So, as you plan your Inca Trail adventure, keep in mind that reaching Machu Picchu is ultimately a small part of this once-in-a-lifetime experience. Make sure to take advantage of each stop along the way, embrace every challenge and savor every moment- even those that might seem less momentous at first glance. Together they will form an unforgettable journey – something which will leave with you forever.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you hike to Machu Picchu on your own or do you need a guide?

Yes, you can hike to Machu Picchu on your own, but it is highly recommended that you hire a guide for safety reasons. According to the Peruvian Ministry of Culture, in 2019, there were 57 accidents reported along the Inca Trail. These accidents included falls, altitude sickness, and other injuries.

A guide will not only ensure your safety but they will also provide you with valuable information about the history and culture of the trail and Machu Picchu. They can also assist with navigating the route which can be confusing at times.

Furthermore, hiring a guide supports the local community and economy. Many guides come from nearby villages and communities. By hiring a guide, you are providing them with a source of income.

In summary, while it is possible to hike to Machu Picchu on your own, it is safer and more beneficial to hire a guide. Not only will they ensure your safety but they will also provide you with valuable information and support the local community.

Are there any alternative ways to reach Machu Picchu besides hiking?

Yes, there are alternative ways to reach Machu Picchu besides hiking. One popular option is taking the train from Ollantaytambo to Aguas Calientes, which is the nearest town to the ancient Incan site. The train ride takes about two hours and offers stunning views of the Andes Mountains.

Additionally, visitors can take buses or shared taxis from Cusco to Hidroelectrica and then hike along the train tracks for a few hours to reach Aguas Calientes. Another alternative is to take a helicopter tour, offering a bird’s eye view of Machu Picchu and its surroundings.

According to official data from the Ministry of Culture in Peru, in 2019, only 41% of visitors hiked the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu while 59% used alternative transportation methods. This indicates that choosing an alternative to hiking is becoming increasingly popular among tourists.

It’s important to note that each alternative method comes with its own set of costs and benefits. For example, taking the train can be more expensive than hiking but saves time and effort. While hiking may have lower costs, it requires more physical exertion and preparation.

Ultimately, the decision on how to get to Machu Picchu depends on personal preferences, budget, and physical abilities.

What is the difficulty level of the hike to Machu Picchu?

The hike to Machu Picchu is considered moderate to challenging, depending on which route you take. The Inca Trail, which is the most popular and well-known route, is a four-day trek covering 26 miles (43 km) through high altitude terrain and steep inclines. This trail requires a good level of fitness, as it involves climbing up dead woman’s pass at an elevation of 13,829 feet (4,215 meters).

On the other hand, if you prefer a less challenging hike, there are alternative routes such as the Salkantay Trek or Lares Trek that are equally impressive but less physically demanding.

According to figures from the Peruvian Ministry of Culture in 2022, only 500 people per day are allowed to trek the Inca Trail with a maximum group size of 16 people. Therefore, it’s important to plan ahead and make sure you have the necessary permits to secure your spot on the trail.

In conclusion, while the hike to Machu Picchu is not impossible for those with moderate fitness levels, it does require some preparation and training beforehand. It’s important to choose a route that fits your abilities and interests so that you can fully enjoy this bucket list experience without worrying too much about your physical limitations.

What should you know before planning a hike to Machu Picchu?

Before planning a hike to Machu Picchu, there are a few things that you should keep in mind. Firstly, the hike can be physically demanding, and you should make sure that you are fit enough to undertake it. You don’t want to get halfway up the trail and realize that you’re not physically prepared for the challenge.

Secondly, you should be aware of the altitude. Machu Picchu is situated at an elevation of around 2,430 meters (7,972 feet) above sea level. This means that you may experience altitude sickness if you’re not used to being at high altitudes. It’s important to take time to acclimatize before starting your hike.

Thirdly, book your trip well in advance as limited entry is set to ensure conservation efforts are adhered to according to Peru’s Ministry of Culture.

Lastly, while on the hike remember that this is a historical and cultural site and should be treated with respect. Leave no trace behind so others may cherish it as much as you do.

In conclusion, planning a hike to Machu Picchu requires careful consideration of physical fitness and adjustments to altitude, thoughtful booking ahead of time due to a limited entrance policy, and respect for the natural and cultural landmarks along the trek.

What factors can affect the duration of the hike to Machu Picchu?

There are several factors that can affect the duration of the hike to Machu Picchu, and it’s essential to plan accordingly to avoid any surprises during your trip.

Firstly, the route you choose for the hike will impact how long it takes to reach Machu Picchu. There are two primary routes – the Classic Inca Trail and the Salkantay Trek. The Classic Inca Trail usually takes 4-5 days to complete, covering a distance of approximately 26 miles (42 km). On the other hand, the Salkantay Trek is a bit longer and more challenging, involving around 50 miles (80 km) of trekking over six days.

Another critical factor to consider is your physical fitness level. The altitude in this region can take a toll on even the most experienced hikers. It’s recommended that travelers spend at least two days in Cusco or other high-altitude areas before beginning their trek to Machu Picchu. Additionally, drinking plenty of water and taking breaks as needed is crucial during the hike to avoid altitude sickness or exhaustion.

Finally, weather conditions can also impact how long it takes to hike to Machu Picchu. During the rainy season (November – April), trails can become slippery and dangerous, potentially adding extra time to your journey.

In conclusion, while there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to how long it takes to hike to Machu Picchu, considering factors such as route choice, physical fitness level, and weather conditions can help you plan your trip effectively. By doing so, you’ll be able to make lasting memories without feeling rushed or unprepared along the way.



