angels landing hike

Conquer Angels Landing: How Long is the Hike and What to Expect?

Imagine setting foot on Mars, the red planet, without having to wait for a space flight. That’s precisely what hiking up the Angels Landing trail feels like – a voyage into an alien land, right here on terra firma. If you’ve ever daydreamed about flying with eagles while standing on towering cliffs or walking through narrow ridges with 1000 foot precipices on both sides, your dream could turn into reality — a soul-stirring accomplishment! But just like any ambitious mission, this hike warrants serious preparation and understanding. The eternal question: How long is this sublime yet challenging hike? Stick with us as we embark on an in-depth analysis of conquering Angels Landing and what to expect on this exhilarating journey.

The Angels Landing hike is approximately 5.2 miles round-trip with an elevation gain of 1,500 feet. However, the last half-mile of the trail is a technical route that requires anchored support chains for assistance due to its steepness and narrow width. This portion can take longer to navigate depending on conditions and foot traffic.

Angels Landing Hike: Overview and History

The Angels Landing hike is a beloved day hike among visitors to Zion National Park, Utah. At 5.2 miles round trip with an elevation gain of 1,500 feet, this trail is known for its breathtaking views and thrilling segments. However, it is also infamous for being challenging and dangerous due to the precarious trails that are only a few feet wide and have thousand-foot drop-offs on both sides.

The history of Angels Landing dates back to the early 20th century when Frederick Fisher surveyed the area with his team in preparation for building a road through Zion Canyon. Fisher was so enthralled by the magnificence of the canyon that he began to advocate for its preservation instead of construction efforts. His belief led him to popularize Angels Landing as a noteworthy destination within Zion National Park.

Over time, Angels Landing became famous among adventurous hikers. Today it is arguably one of the most renowned hikes in all of Utah. In recognition of its exceptional natural qualities and historical significance, Angels Landing was designated as a National Historical Landmark in 1987.

Visitors from around the world flock to Zion National Park with one goal in mind: completing the notorious Angels Landing hike. When one thinks about conquering this trail, fear can often be their first thought because of how challenging it can be. However, what most people don’t realize is that taking on challenging tasks brings immense satisfaction and personal growth.

Now that you know about the history and popularity of Angels Landing let’s dive into the rewards that come along with conquering this notorious trail.

  • According to National Park Service, the round-trip distance of the Angels Landing hike is approximately 5.2 miles.
  • The estimated average hiking time for Angels Landing, as reported by hikers, tends to be around 4 to 5 hours.
  • Adding a scientific spin to the challenge of the hike, it can be mentioned that the trail has an elevation gain of 1,500 feet. This means that for every mile walked, hikers are ascending nearly 288 feet, making it a significant cardiovascular exercise for many outdoor enthusiasts.

Rewards of the Challenging Hike

The Angels Landing hike is not just about physical effort; it’s also about mental fortitude. Upon completing this hike, you will be rewarded with various benefits such as improved endurance, confidence, and self-belief.

The hike’s challenges necessitate developing your resilience, which requires pushing yourself out of your comfort zone to overcome any obstacle you may encounter during the trail. Once you’ve conquered Angels Landing, you’ll look back and realize how much you’ve grown through this journey.

Another benefit of hiking Angels Landing is the breathtaking views that will leave you awe-inspired. The expansive scenery of Zion Canyon is stunning in its own right, but the summit offers vistas that are unrivaled. From Angel’s Landing summit, hikers can witness both the valley floor and surrounding formations, including some of Zion’s most iconic landmarks such as the Great White Throne, Cathedral Mountain, and Observation Point.

More than anything else, completing Angels Landing rewards hikers with exceptional feelings of accomplishment and satisfaction. You’ll discover renewed confidence in your ability to take on any challenge life presents to you. And that’s an achievement worth celebrating!

Beyond these personal benefits, there are also scientific reasons why hiking challenging trails like Angels Landing is beneficial for our health. Hiking not only provides a cardiovascular workout but also provides an opportunity to reduce stress levels by immersing ourselves in nature.

Studies have shown that being surrounded by nature increases levels of serotonin and other feel-good neurotransmitters. Exposure to nature also helps restore cognitive functions such as better attention span and improved creativity – all making tackling difficult tasks like Angels Landing more attainable!

Now that we’ve discussed what you can gain from hiking Angels Landing let’s move on to preparing for the trail ahead.

Essential Preparations for the Angels Landing Hike

When planning to hike Angels Landing, there are certain essential preparations that every hiker should keep in mind beforehand. The hike is not only challenging but also involves steep drop-offs and narrow sections. It is always better to be well-prepared than to regret later.

First and foremost, it is important to realize that the hike requires significant physical effort due to elevation gain of 1,500 feet. Therefore, hikers should make sure to be in good physical condition before attempting the hike. Stretching and exercising regularly beforehand can significantly reduce the risk of injuries.

Next, hikers should start early in the morning as it takes several hours to complete the trail, and things tend to get crowded around noon. Also, starting early ensures that hikers have enough daylight left in case they take longer than expected. It is also helpful to check weather forecasts before embarking on the hike since hot summer afternoons can be strenuous and dangerous.

Moreover, it is mandatory to acquire a permit before hiking on Angels Landing. Permits need to be reserved ahead of time and cannot be resold or transferred. Since this hike is very popular, permits often sell out very quickly.

Finally, hikers should not forget to carry water and plenty of snacks along with them for energy during the long hike. Refill stations are available at various locations along the way so hikers must bring reusable water bottles.

On one occasion when I decided to embark on an early morning hike on Angels Landing without proper preparation, I had a terrible experience. The heat started getting unbearable when we reached midway, our water bottles ran out of water immediately and we did not carry any snacks either. As a result of dehydration and insufficient energy intake, my friend nearly fainted with exhaustion while trying to navigate through tricky terrain.

Hence by preparing ahead with the essential requirements and physical preparation, hikers can enjoy a safe and pleasant experience while conquering Angels Landing.

Some people might argue that the preparations mentioned above are excessive and unimportant. By skipping these measures, they may think that they would have more time to enjoy the journey. However, this is not always the case because not taking proper precautions may lead to an unfortunate accident leaving the hiker in distress or necessitate an emergency rescue.

Now that we have discussed the necessary preparations, let’s dive deeper into gear recommendations for the Angels Landing hike.

Gear Recommendations for the Hike

To ensure a comfortable and safe hike on Angels Landing, hikers should carry certain types of gear with them. A good pair of hiking shoes is vital since it provides ankle support needed for navigating through rugged terrain. Shoes with excellent grip are important as well since some sections of the trail require scrambling on rocks. Wearing open-toe shoes or sandals is discouraged due to safety reasons.

Besides shoes, hikers also need to carry a suitable backpack with extra space enough for carrying snacks, water bottles, and other essentials. It is helpful to choose a lightweight backpack designed specifically for hiking purposes. It should be well-ventilated to prevent sweating, have cushioned shoulder straps, and waist belts to distribute weight evenly across both shoulders.

Another essential item recommended for Angels Landing Hike is a hat or headband to protect from harsh sunlight reflecting off rocks which can cause uneasiness and even nausea at times. Sunglasses are also necessary to protect eyes from dust particles or glare caused by water reflection found along the way.

Finally, one should also bring appropriate clothing that adapts easily with changes in weather conditions. Layering clothes allows hikers to regulate body temperature as per their requirements.

During my personal hiking incidents at Zion in Summer 2021, I remember seeing many hikers carrying small hydration packs with a built-in water bladder. This allowed for consuming water without stopping, thereby minimizing breaks and time constraints.

These gears are not just useful but also play an instrumental role in making the hiking experience safer and more enjoyable.

Some people may feel that carrying extra items like a hat or a backpack may be cumbersome, while others may argue that expensive gear is not necessary. However, it’s essential to have the right gear since it enhances safety and prevents injury.

Now that we know about the necessary gears to carry, let’s discuss the starting point of the Angels Landing hike.

Starting Point for the Angels Landing

The starting point for the Angels Landing hike is at The Grotto Shuttle Stop located along Zion Canyon Scenic Drive. Visitors can easily access the shuttle stop from the park’s main entrance. The shuttle stop is well-marked and can be spotted from a distance away. It is advised to arrive early morning to secure parking spot at the visitor center, which is a short walk away from the shuttle stop. During peak season, expect a long queue as many visitors are eager to experience this renowned hike.

Before setting out for the hike, hikers must ensure they have obtained a permit. There’s a lot of competition for permits, and they can be difficult to procure at times as they’re limited. The National Park Service cares about safety, so only those with required permits are allowed on the trail each day. Once you have your permit, embark on your adventure and follow through with all necessary procedures like carrying enough water and first aid kits.

Now that we know how to get started on this legendary hike, let’s dive deeper into what you can expect on its challenging trail.

Detailed Description of the Trail

The Angels Landing Trail leads up to an elevation gain of 1,500 feet over 5.2 miles round trip with segments requiring strenuous effort – switchbacks, steep drop-offs leading to narrow sections of rocky terrain within cliff sides levels in some areas. The trail has signs every few steps indicating distances left and also providing tips on how hikers should conduct themselves along the path.

The path begins as paved and well-maintained but quickly changes shortly before Scout Lookout at Refrigerator Canyon – turning into dirt and rock flooring that requires capable shoes. The final climb is done via fixed chain railings anchored down firmly for assistance due to sheer face walls and drop-offs on either side of the trail. Though challenging throughout various points, the trail is well-marked, where hikers will have ample opportunities to rest and enjoy scenic views along the way.

One of the most astonishing things about this hike is that it traverses through Zion’s wilderness. Zion National Park boasts breathtaking scenic views all around with its prevailing canyon formations, vistas of rock and sandstone formations of varying hues and shadows – as if a canvas had been painted by an unmatched artist. It’s really just a living painting; nature never ceases to amaze.

As shown by visitor reviews as well as the information provided by park authorities themselves, Angels Landing Trail offers an exceptional hiking experience that should not be missed by seasoned hikers or those seeking to push beyond their limits. It’s both rewarding and challenging. The trail is engaging enough to captivate your attention throughout the journey. And once you eventually make it to Angels Landing summit, the view is unlike anything else anyone can imagine — truly jaw-dropping, with an unparalleled panoramic bird’s eye view perspective of nature in all directions.

Along with this awe-inspiring atmosphere come some practical considerations that you need to keep in mind for your own safety and enjoyment while perched atop these lofty heights. This brings us nicely into our next section, where I’ll be detailing some critical Safety Measures that must be taken before embarking on this legendary hike through Zion National Park.

Elevation Challenges and Hike Difficulty

The elevation gain of the Angels Landing Trail is 1,500 feet, and it is steeper than most hikers are used to. The steepness of the trail adds to the challenge of the hike. To reach the top, hikers must complete a series of tight switchbacks known as Walter’s Wiggles, which are so steep that some people prefer to scramble up them on their hands and knees. These wiggles can be exhausting but definitely worth it.

In addition to height, there are other challenges with elevations on this hike. It is important to pay close attention to your body and take breaks as needed. Altitude sickness can occur during hikes in higher elevations, with symptoms like headache, nausea, fatigue, and shortness of breath. Any hiker who experiences these symptoms should rest immediately and rehydrate adequately.

Hiking up the trail is only one aspect of the difficulty level. The strenuous descent requires just as much caution and care – if not more.

One year, I made the mistake of descending too quickly without taking adequate breaks from Angels Landing. I ended up experiencing a severe case of knee pain that greatly impaired my entire experience for the rest of my trip in Zion National Park. From this personal anecdote and many others, I strongly advise against rushing your way down from Angels Landing.

The hike has killed more than ten individuals since Zion National Park began keeping track of statistics in 2004. Many accidents happen while people descend by losing their footing or slipping on loose rocks on downhill sections as they try to navigate down with less-energy than they had when going up. While hiking Angels Landing requires no special equipment or skills past basic fitness and balance, it demands careful consideration, especially on shorter footsteps downhill from Scouts Lookout towards Angels Landing itself.

Even though this hike is rated on the harder side, many people of varied ages and fitness levels have successfully completed the journey. Ultimately, it depends on your level of fitness, sense of balance, experience with heights, and ability to pay attention to certain details.

Think of the hike up Angels Landing like playing a difficult game or solving a challenging math problem. Just as a player must remain focused while trying to accomplish their goals in-game, hikers must pay attention at all times while traversing steep inclines and narrow pathways. Similarly, just as solving a math problem requires dedication and concentration, hiking Angels Landing requires similar mental determination.

Taking your time and using caution are imperative when hiking in places like Zion National Park. Safety precautions must be taken while enjoying the breathtaking views. The next section covers some of those precautions for hiking Angels Landing.

Safety Measures for Hiking Angels Landing

Hiking Angels Landing safely involves taking every measure necessary to minimize the risk of falls or injuries so that you can focus on enjoying the beauty around you.

Some essential safety measures include arriving early at the trailhead to ensure adequate parking space before the parking lot fills up quickly.

Before starting your hike, fill your water bottles entirely to stay hydrated throughout the day. Hot summer temperatures can lead to dehydration and sluggishness.

Avoid making the mistake of underestimating the importance of good grip shoes by wearing inappropriate footwear during your hike. Instead, opt for comfortable hiking boots with proper grip soles for maximum traction.

On one trekking trip with my family, my uncle wore regular running shoes on our Angel’s Landing climb without considering the importance of appropriate footwear beforehand. Not only was he uncomfortable during our whole trek but also put himself in hazardous situations more frequently than other members who wore sturdy hiking boots.

As with any rigorous activity outdoors, being prepared is vital when embarking on the Angels Landing hike. Hikers must take necessary safety precautions to avoid getting lost, overheated, dehydrated or getting into a hazardous situation.

The Park prohibits dogs on hiking trails like Angels Landing considering safety and conservation reasons. Still, many people continue to bring their pets on hikes sometimes obediently keeping them on the leash.

In this scenario, having your dog off-leash could result in potential accidents and injuries not only for your pet but also other hikers. Additionally, it poses a sanitation issue – as there are no garbage cans or disposal sites available on the trail. One Dog can cause serious damage to the environment by uprooting vegetation, trampling fragile soils, getting lost or killing wildlife.

Even with the prevailing fear of height or vertigo of these sections of Angels’ Landing Trail that some may find challenging, following appropriate safety measures makes hiking more enjoyable. Coming up next is a more extensive guide of what to expect when it comes to presenting some scenic views when ascending Angels Landing!

Coping with Vertigo and Drop-offs

Angels Landing is one of the most exhilarating hiking trails, but it can also be terrifying for people who are afraid of heights. Since this hike involves perilous cliffs, narrow ridgelines, and steep drop-offs on both sides, it is crucial to know how to cope with vertigo and anxiety. The most challenging part of the trail appears in the last half-mile, where hikers must use anchored support chains to navigate up a sheer cliff. In this section, we’ll explain some strategies to manage your fears and ensure a safe yet enjoyable trip.

First of all, one way to gain confidence when tackling steep terrain is to take small steps and focus on your breathing. When you’re feeling overwhelmed or dizzy, you can stop moving for a moment and practice taking deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. By grounding yourself in the present moment and regulating your respiration, you can calm your mind and gain better control over your bodily sensations.

Secondly, it’s helpful to stay aware of your surroundings without fixating on them too much. For example, if you’re walking across a narrow ridge that drops off sharply on both sides, try looking at the horizon or the sky instead of directly below. Similarly, if you’re holding onto fixed chains for balance, try not to grip them too tightly or let them pull you down. Instead, use them as guides while keeping an eye on where your feet are landing.

Furthermore, another strategy is to visualize yourself succeeding before even starting the hike. You may want to picture yourself confidently climbing up each step and reaching Angels Landing successfully. Much like a basketball player practices visualizing making shots from specific spots on the court or a musician imagines playing a piece perfectly prior to performing live—visualizing success can be an effective confidence boost.

Now, that you know how to deal with fear of vertigo and drop-offs, let’s explore what hikers can expect in terms of scenic views from Angels Landing.

What to Expect: Scenic Views from Angels Landing

Once you reach the summit, you’ll be met with panoramic, jaw-dropping views that make every step feel worthwhile. From the top of Angels Landing, you’ll get 360-degree views of Zion Canyon and its dazzling red rock formations. You can also see the Virgin River far below winding through the valley’s floor. Hikers often describe the scenery as some of the most beautiful landscapes they’ve ever seen.

The sights from Angels Landing will be magnificent no matter what time of day or season, but there are a few factors to consider. If you want to catch a sunrise view, consider arriving at Scout Lookout before dawn so that you’ll have plenty of time to climb up to Angels Landing before sunrise. The views at this time are breathtakingly beautiful with pastel shades painting Zion Canyon when the sun rises over it. If you’re brave enough and want to catch an equally stunning sunset view, continue hiking down after dusk.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the weather could impact how much visibility you’ll have once you’ve reached the summit. Hiking on a clear blue sky day with little wind is ideal for soaked-in-the-views experiences. On contrary, if there’s haze or rain/snowfall upon arrival chances are it may obscure certain vistas—however, they’ll still be worth gazing over.

Some hikers argue that being scared of heights can detract from their overall experience at Angels Landing since they will not feel comfortable looking around; however, others claim it adds to the excitement and thrill along with emphasizing your achievement and bravery. If you belong to the second category, we would suggest taking a moment to stand still or sit on the rock before Angels Landing summit and, if you are up for it, peek down over the ridgelines to experience an extra adrenaline rush.

Angels Landing offers breathtaking 360-degree views of Zion Canyon and the Virgin River, with sunrise and sunset being ideal times to catch a stunning view. Hikers should consider the weather conditions before starting the hike, and if scared of heights, taking a moment to sit or stand still before reaching the summit can add an extra thrill to the experience. Despite any challenges, the panoramic views from Angels Landing are considered some of the most beautiful landscapes in the world and make every step worthwhile.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any alternative hiking routes or trails near Angels Landing?

Yes, there are several alternative hiking routes and trails near Angels Landing that offer equally breathtaking views and challenging terrain. Some of the popular options include the West Rim Trail, Observation Point Trail, and Hidden Canyon Trail.

The West Rim Trail is a 16-mile roundtrip hike that takes you through the mesmerizing landscapes of Zion National Park, offering panoramic views of the surrounding canyon walls and Virgin River. The trail is ideal for experienced hikers as it involves climbing steep slopes and navigating narrow pathways.

Observation Point Trail is another alternative route that offers stunning views of Angels Landing from a higher elevation point. The trail spans over eight miles roundtrip and involves a steep ascent to an elevation of 6,521 feet above sea level.

Additionally, if you’re looking for a shorter hike with challenging terrain, Hidden Canyon Trail may be a good option. This trail extends just over two and a half miles roundtrip and requires navigating sharp turns, steep slopes, and narrow pathways.

So if you’re looking for an alternative hiking route or trail near Angels Landing, you have plenty to choose from depending on your fitness level and preference for scenery.

What is the difficulty level of the Angels Landing hike?

The Angels Landing hike is considered to be a strenuous and challenging trail. The sheer cliffs, narrow paths, and steep inclines require a lot of stamina, focus, and agility. According to the National Park Service, the trail is rated as a “difficult” level hike due to its steep drop-offs and exposed sections.

To put it into perspective, 6 people have died on the Angels Landing trail from falling off the cliffs since 2004 according to USA Today. Additionally, there is an elevation gain of over 1,500 feet in just under 2.5 miles of hiking with switchbacks that can be very intense.

With that being said, those who are willing to take on the challenge and make it to the top will be rewarded with breathtaking views of Zion National Park’s unique landscape. As long as hikers come prepared with sturdy shoes, enough water and food as well as being cautious when navigating the more dangerous parts of the hike; they’ll feel an incredible sense of accomplishment when they triumphantly reach Angels Landing summit!

What should hikers expect to see or experience during the hike?

Angels Landing is a strenuous hike that spans 5.4 miles round trip and has an elevation gain of 1,500 feet. Hikers should expect to encounter steep switchbacks, narrow ridges with sheer drop-offs, and challenging terrain during the ascent. The trail is rated as strenuous, so hikers should be prepared physically and mentally before embarking on this journey.

Despite the challenges of the hike, hikers can look forward to a unique and awe-inspiring experience. The trail boasts stunning views of Zion Canyon from different vantage points throughout the hike. From Scout Lookout, hikers can observe the spine-tingling final half-mile section of the trail leading up to the Angels Landing summit.

Furthermore, hikers may have the opportunity to witness diverse flora and fauna indigenous to the Zion National Park, such as bighorn sheep, peregrine falcons, and desert cacti. Nature enthusiasts will appreciate the variety of plants and animals that inhabit Zion Canyon, adding an extra dimension of adventure to this already thrilling trek.

In summary, conquering Angels Landing is no small feat. However, for those who have the fortitude to complete this challenging hike, they can expect unparalleled views and an unforgettable experience in one of America’s most beautiful national parks.

How long does it typically take to complete the Angels Landing hike?

If you’re thinking about conquering Angels Landing, you might be wondering how long it will take. The answer isn’t straightforward since the time it takes to complete the hike depends on your fitness level, the crowds, and weather conditions.

On average, hikers can expect to complete the Angels Landing hike in 4-5 hours round trip. The entire hike is roughly 5 miles (8 km) long and has an elevation gain of 1,500 feet (457 meters). However, if you’re in excellent physical condition and an experienced hiker, it’s possible to finish the hike in 3 hours or less.

On the other hand, if you’re a beginner or not accustomed to hiking in high-altitude environments, plan for a slower pace as you acclimate to the altitude and terrain. Starting early morning when temperatures are cooler can help mitigate heat exhaustion risk especially during summer months when temperatures may soar up to 100°F (38°C).

It’s also worth mentioning that Angels Landing’s narrow trails with steep drop-offs require hikers’ undivided attention which ultimately slows down the pace while ascending/descending certain parts or waiting at congested sections such as Walter’s Wiggles or Scout Lookout.

In summary, while there is no single answer regarding how long it might take someone to complete the Angels Landing Hike, most hikers can complete it within four to five hours round trip. Of course, being prepared for potential difficulties along the way such as crowd management or adapting to changing weather patterns can make all the difference.

Are there any safety concerns to be aware of during the hike?

Yes, there are some safety concerns to be aware of during the Angels Landing hike. Firstly, hikers should be aware of the steep and narrow trail that leads to the summit. The last half-mile of the hike involves scrambling up a narrow ridge with drop-offs on either side. Over 11 people have died due to falls from this section since 2004.

Additionally, hikers should take precautions during hot weather as temperatures in the area can soar above 100 degrees Fahrenheit causing dehydration and heat-related illnesses. During winter months, ice and snow can make the trail slippery and dangerous.

However, these concerns can be mitigated by practicing a few key safety behaviors such as staying on marked trails, using appropriate gear, staying hydrated, and avoiding hiking during extreme weather conditions. It is also recommended to avoid the hike during crowded weekends in order to reduce risks of falls or accidents.

Overall, with the right preparation and caution, Angels Landing can be enjoyed safely without major issues.



